Utilising SPRI Technology, the RNAdvance Viral and RNAdvance Viral XP extraction kits allow the user to extract from swabs and saliva transport media samples. The RNAdvance Viral kit uses PK buffer during lysis stage while the RNAdvance Viral XP kit uses an alternative chemistry. After lysis, paramagnetic beads are used to extract Viral RNA. Both kits are compatible with automation and methods have been written for the Beckman Coulter Biomek i5 and i7 robots to provide a high throughput solution for COVID-19 and other viral RNA extractions.
RNAdvance Viral XP has been added to the list of acceptable extraction methods for use in the Centers for Disease Control’s EUA-authorized COVID-19 test referenced in the FDA’s FAQ on testing for SARS-CoV-2. Laboratories are now permitted to independently validate RNAdvance Viral XP for use. Read the full press release